Expressing opinion - 2Bac English


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الخميس، 19 سبتمبر 2019

Expressing opinion

Expressing opinion

These are expressions that can help you in asking or giving/expressing opinion about a subject.
لمشاهدة فيديو الشرح :

Asking about opinion

  • What do you think about….
  • In your opinion, …?
  • What’s your opinion….?
  • Any initial thoughts on …?
  • Do you have any particular views on …?
  • Are you for or against…..?
  • Do you think that …..?
  • If I asked your opinion about …………, what would you say?
  • Would I be right in saying …?
  • How do you feel about …?
  • Do you share the view that …?
  • Please tell me your opinion on …
  • Would you agree that …?
Expressing opinion
  • I think…
  • As far as I’m concerned,…
  • To my mind,…
  • According to me,…
  • Some people may disagree with me, but …
  • As I see it, …
  • It seems to me that…
  • In my point of view / my opinion,…
  • From my point of view…
  • To the best of my knowledge, …
  • To my mind / To my way of thinking, …
  • I am of the opinion that…
  • I have come to the conclusion that …
  • Personally speaking / Speaking for myself, …
  • I’m no expert (on this), but …
  • I take the view that. ..
  • My personal view is that…
  • In my experience…
  • As far as I understand / can see/see it,…
  • I agree with you / I do agree
  • You’re definitely right.
  • I share the same view
  • I couldn’t agree more.
  • We seem to be on the same wavelength.
  • It’s so nice to meet someone who thinks that way too.
  • That is logical.
  • I can’t argue with that.
  • (I have) No doubt about it
  • That is a more convincing argument, I must admit.
  • That’s a good point.
  • I see your point.
  • (That) makes sense (to me).
  • I’m afraid. I can’t agree with you.
  • No way.
  • I disagree with you.
  • I don’t agree with you.
  • That’s not always true.
  • You could be right, but…
  • It’s hard to argue with that, but…
  • I’m not sure I agree with you
  • I think you’re wrong
  • I can see a hole in that argument.
  • That’s not the way I see it.
  • Sorry, but I am not convinced.
  • It is quite old-fashioned to say that.
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